Flow Coworking by Holmes Place

Aspirational workplaces enhacing your lifestyle.

Flow enriches the coworking landscape by leveraging the Holmes Place unique expertise in fitness and wellness, with additional insights from renowned coworking consultants. It offers a comprehensive environment that empowers individuals to enhanced performance, creativity and wellness.

More than just a coworking place, Flow blends vital elements of daily life, emphasizing the significance of choices in community, nutrition, environment, and physical activity.

In extending its reach, Flow captures a diverse market, attracting those who aspire to harmonize their work and personal life seamlessly, in a shared journey to reach life’s flow.

Flow Coworking by Holmes Place

build upon a concept

Reaching the Flow State

Flow embodies the concept of the ‘Flow State’—a realm of deep focus where you’re fully immersed in the moment, perfectly balancing your skills with the task at hand. This balance leads to a sense of ease and clear-mindedness, enhancing creativity and well-being.

Our foundation is built on this principle, shaping an environment that naturally steers you into your flow, for enriched personal and professional growth.

Our values

At the heart of everything we do


We believe that a fulfilling life is achieved through a delicate equilibrium between work, wellness, and personal pursuits. Our spaces are designed to facilitate this balance, offering an environment where members can seamlessly transition between professional tasks and personal wellbeing activities.


Flow is a melting pot of ideas, cultures, and perspectives. By fostering a workspace culture grounded in mutual respect and collaborative spirit, we aim to facilitate personal growth and collective progress, ensuring everyone feels valued and heard.


Our belief in progress is not limited to professional achievements; it extends to personal development and communal advancements. Through ongoing learning opportunities, skill-sharing sessions, a culture that encourages experimentation and innovation, healthy offering through food and exercise, we support each member’s journey toward their best selves.


Sustainability at Flow it´s about creating a lifestyle which is sustainable for us and our environment. Our approach encompasses sustainable practices in our daily operations, educational initiatives to raise awareness, and a community-driven effort to make impactful changes.
Flow Coworking by Holmes Place
Welcome to a place that is not just about work; it’s where balance and a state of flow elevate your creativity, productivity, and well-being, all under one roof.