Flow Coworking by Holmes Place

Blooming through movement.

At Flow, wellness is part of your daily routine, with an in-house gym ready and waiting for you.

Paired with the expertise from Holmes Place, this key feature underlines our dedication to offering you everything you need for a balanced lifestyle, making sure your journey to well-being is thoroughly supported.
Flow Move Well

Work well, live well.

Having an exercise space at the office isn’t just about fitness; it’s a healthy veihicle that allows you to enhance productivity.

It’s well known that regular exercise sharpens focus and accelerates cognitive function. This means that after a training session, you’re more likely to tackle tasks with increased vigor and efficiency, turning your workday into a more productive one.
Flow Move Well

Steps towards a big idea.

Physical activity is proven to stimulate creative thinking. Flow’s Move Well area is the perfect catalyst for innovation; A space that allows you to step away from your desk, get moving, and return with a fresh perspective.

Whether it’s a lunchtime workout or a quick morning cardio session, activating your body can be the key to unlocking your next big idea.
Flow Move Well

In my moment.

Workplace stress can be a major blocker to well-being and job satisfaction. By having access to a gym in your workplace you can release endorphins during exercise, naturally reducing the stress levels.

This will not only improve your mood but also enhance your resilience to work-related pressures, contributing to a healthier, more harmonious work-life balance.
Flow Move Well

We thrive together.

Our Move Well area does more than just serve individual health goals; it fosters a community.

When employees exercise together, they bond in a way that transcends the usual professional relationships.

This camaraderie built through shared health goals can strengthen team cohesion and nurture a positive, supportive company culture.
Flow Move Well
Flow Coworking by Holmes Place
Welcome to a place that is not just about work; it’s where balance and a state of flow elevate your creativity, productivity, and well-being, all under one roof.